Monday, November 17, 2008


The journey itself, overland and afoot from Fortress of Saphronicus to Ti, would take several days, but it was ceremonially prolonged in order that the four tributary villages of Fortress of Saphronicus might be visited. It is not unusual for a Gorean city to have several villages in its vicinity, these customarily supplying it with meat and produce" (Slave Girl of Gor Pg 111).

The Fortress of Saphronicus is a fortified Gorean Merchant Outpost surrounded by farmlands and Lakes on the Pilgrims Way to the Sardar Mountains. It commenced as a trading post which grew to a City.

We are happy to inform, that we are recruiting Warriors and Guards, those brave and strong gorean men who would be be able to fend any offenses which may occur. Everybody who is interested to take place in this honorable assignment or for further informations please contact our Ubar Ruffus Pinion

*** High Council of the Fortress of Saphronicus ***
Ubar - War Leader and Hightest Red Caste: Ruffus Pinion (Council Member)
Ubara & Chief Merchant: Cheyenne McAlpine (Council Member)
Chief Magistrate: Drake Hagel (Council Member)
Chief Scribe: Laja DeCuir (Council Member)
Chief Physician: vacant
Commander of the Guard: Sitchmo Dagger (Council Member)
Chief Slaver: ---
Senior Kennel Mistress: Liliana Aluveaux (Council Advisor)
Ambassador: Indigo Reve (Council Member)
Administrator : Carter Ebbage
Council Member: Crone Dryke (First Sword & Builder and Architect)
Council Member: Sucarab Schwartzman (Captain of the Guard)
Council Member: Felice Valentine
Council Member: Shelby Olivier

Saphronicus, Saphronicus (246, 125, 23)

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